Steam Announcement

Ancient Warfare 3 is coming to Steam very soon!

You can visit the steam store page here:

All you need to know:

  • Release date is the 21st December 2017 at 1:00pm PST
  • Buyers from will get a free key through the default steam key features (More information about how you can claim your key soon)
  • There won't be any updates until the steam release
  • There will be four versions: Windows 64bit, Windows 32bit, MacOS 64bit(Unity will remove the 32bit support), Linux Universal
  • Maybe Ancient Warfare 2 will get a Steam version and release, too

Until then stay tuned and report all bugs you might have found, so that I can fix them.

Thanks and happy playing!


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How do I get the Steam key? :/

(+1) features an option to sell a game with steam keys. Even if I add the steam keys after someone bought the game, he will still get it from the download page. But there will be more information soon.

Deleted 262 days ago

No, it will be in the steam sale, but not for free.

he said he would give us the steam key right

Yes, buyers will get a steam key

ok can i get it erily


No, the keys will be available with the steam release.

ok thanks how do i get it when it comes out


What will  be added in the steam version?


At the moment, I'm working on stability improvements, bug fixing and general improvments for the steam release, but there will be added more content after the release. The steam release isn't the end of early access.