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The biggest problem of this game is the lag when there are more that 100 units. I've tried EVERITHING to fix this as a player. JNI should really put 60% of his huge efforts in fixing this problem. Maybe switch to another engine would help. I'm not sure how this kind of stuff works. Apart from that, this game is really good. A must try if you enjoy indie games.

That's the problem of your computer. Since the last update, I can play with about 300 units on my computer. I haven't created the game for extremly large battles with thousands of units. There are other things in the game like the destruction, dismemberment and player controls.

Btw you can't just change the engine if you want to. You would have to restart the development if you change the engine.

The problem its not with my pc. I have a really good computer. I don't know what's wrong. Thanks for responding to so many comments.

interesting game with a lot of potential :D

Thanks for sharing


Try making the heavy helmets not be so obstructive, as it is is extremely difficult to aim with them on. Also, maybe make it possible to move the camera up and down in third person: it is very hard to aim at things in front of you. Otherwise, this game is great and I've had lots of fun playing it!


You are right, the aiming/fighting system is far away from beeing perfect, but at least that's something I can work on.


panda (aww its so cute!these things don't do much.they just sit around eating bamboo and getting drinks and stuff.they cant even attack.but if you kill a panda,the big one will come.35 HP)

Giant Panda (aww its not that cute and cuddly!this will absolutely murder you,even with has very sharp claws to cut you to pieces,and very sharp teeth that he uses to pick up and chomp on enemys.he lives in a Giant cave and should be like 5x the size of a regular panda.750 HP)

Bamboo Forest (this is the most beautiful place there houses pandas which spawn randomly on the map and a huge cave that the giant panda lives also has a small beach where the pandas go to you could have land and water battles and beach also has bamboo,large trees,small trees,bushes,grass,and rocks.)

that is my suggestion for now so hope you guys like it.

Sounds very crazy :D

Maybe I will add this as a special map.

Thx! I hope you do put this in because there haven't been a lot of maps.

Jak celować np. Przy użyciu katapulty?

Nie da się i Jannik nie jest Polakiem umie tylko niemiecki i angielski.

Chyba że wiesz to przeproszenia z mojej strony

great game but since the new update the AI goes a little weird troops will just walk inside of each other instead of spreading out like they used to do and when u put a troop on a ship they just stand still and don't move and the last this is the ships just will go inside of another ship sometimes and end up destroying each other either then those 3 things the game is great the only thing I would recommend is having farm houses, tents, and campfires for added realism to the game =)

ok i just cant figure out how to deselect a unit in battle editor... i cant drag to select anything, i just place a unit when i do. i tried like every button that seemed logical but nothing works... please help.

press esc key.

thanks, it works!


(1 edit)

I have a "Suggested Feature" thing

I want if you press "E" to controll your shield, i want it to be faced forward, not we control it by the mouse.

Like you play Mount and Blade Warband, you press RMB and you will use the shield to block at where you are facing at

So, change the block button from "E" to "RMB" , and "E" is for Aim-throw weapon.

So if you hold down RMB you will use your shield and block to where you are facing at. And yeah, add Look Up and Down with mouse.

Do you accept my suggestion ? please ?

what key for toggle the first person please help me


press c

(1 edit)

JNI, could you pls add some more lord? I would like to see a pirate lord/capitan(sorry for bad grammar). And also some Viking and samurai units. We have a Viking lord and a Samurai lord already. Why not give them their own factions (katana dudes and axe dudes aren't enouth for me)? Also, pls find a way to make the 3rd person view more usable. And as my last suggestion, I would love to see a way to make custom units. That's all (for now).

Hi, there will be more units after the functionality and features are finished. Today I will add unit spawners and the custom unit feature, you suggested.

hey dude can you help me what key i should press for first person

press c

Deleted 2 years ago
(1 edit)

The experimental version has a small patch, so I would suggest to use the experimental

So, what is the difference between Stable version and Experimental Version ?

The experimental version will get more updates, but those updates won't be tested.

and add musket

The musket is on the todo list, but there are more improtant things to do at the moment

deer updaters would you add more weapons and armour for players pls thank you

There will be more weapons then I finished the new combat system.

I found a bug, maybe.

I hope you can fix this.

There are some bugs with the pathfinding which I will fix soon.

  • i love it keep it up guys

That's nice to hear

Deleted 7 years ago

That's a good solution :D

Thanks for sharing!

Deleted 7 years ago

Thanks for sharing!

The new update is great! Had lots of fun trying it out!

Thanks for sharing, I'm glad that you like it.

Can you please fix the way that all range weapons look when you hold them. The are too far down on the screen, and could you please a working aiming system. It doesn't necessarily mean that when you aim you look down the sights, you could just make the screen zoom a little. Also, please add a way to place siege weapons on boats. Also I have a suggestion for the harpoon/for a new weapon. It could work as some sort of grappling hook that could either pull you to the thing you grapple, pull the thing you grappled to you (such as pulling the boat you grappled towards your boat), or lastly it could create some sort of zip line that could be used by you or your teammates.

The harpoon idea is an awesome idea! I hope that JNI will add this :)


Deleted post


panda (aww its so cute! most of the time it just sits around eating bamboo, but if killed or hurt the big one comes. they don't even attack. 35 health)

giant panda (aww its not that cute and cuddly! this thing comes when you hurt or kill a has very sharp claws that he swipes with and has very sharp teeth to bite units to pieces. he should have about 800 health and comes out of a giant cave in the map. (coming up next) and it should be about 5 times the size of a regular panda.)

Bamboo Forest (a beautiful environment full of cute and cuddly pandas that spawn randomly around the map. there is also a huge cave that houses the Giant Panda and only comes out when its people are harmed. there is also 1/4 of the map has water and a very small beach where the pandas drink.)

add beach

If there were some graphic update, like this update5, there are ambient occlusion, bloom, sun shaft, etc. , and i hope you will add settings for that new graphic update like this update5. Its really important for those who have low spec PC like me.

You can disable the effects in the settings...

Im playing the update4 of Acient Warfare 2 and the grass is not green, but there are a random colour kinda noise's like yellow. If it at night, there is blue and purple colour combined with the ground texture. What just happend ?

Can you provide your full system specs please? Sounds like something is not supported.

That is my Spec, probably.

And now i played Update5 :

The colour is affect the troops too

there's your problem, you're using Windows 8. It's the worst OS out there and you should probably upgrade it to windows 10. Also I can't tell you your computer isn't meant for gaming since your storage is really low, so I think that's why it wont run properly

And it looks like a problem with your direct x installation or your gpu is just too old or onboard.

There was someone else who had the same problem with windows xp...

I really like the game, It's just that when i try to run the app it says "cannot find Data File" How do i fix this issue. P.S. the data file is right next the the exe. file

You have to extract the game first. Which version are you trying to play?

I got it fixed, thank you.

(1 edit)

Few ideas and a question, what is the point of the viking ship, and I feel like you should add Romans, gladiators and Spartans, and if your feeling extra special maybe even a create your own unite, kinda like the player except you cant control the unit and maybe add a beach map so the viking ship can land and assault the troops on the beach, also love the ships, keep up the good work :)

The viking ships are in game to add ranged units on them and later to add bring units to the beach. Beach battles are planned, too and I will start with them today. So it's actually planned like you suggested it ;)

There will be an option to add custom units in the next update, too.


Wait, pathfinding? IMPOSSIBLE!

It will need some more work, but units won't walk intowalls and other objects.


I love the new update!put there are a few issues:

people on boats/castle parts wont move or attack unless they are ranged and if they are they only shoot,so its impossible to do boarding or wall fights.this has been a issue since castles/boats first came.

when putting down units,if a harpoon units weapon touches another weapon,it fires.

sharks don't do anything.idk if there supposed to do nothing,but I think they should attack boats. and eat dead bodys that float in the water.even the sharks jumping out of the water and taking enemys off boats would be cool.

cant place certant units on walls/boats.things such as the ballista,cannon,and other things cant go on those.

when you place down a mortar and probably other things,it doesn't stay on ship and will float in the air.

those are some issues I encountered while the game still though.

also can you add a lot of new maps in next update?i want to see beach battles really badly.when is next update?

(1 edit)

I second beach battles. Land and sea maps are a must.

Hi mate, thanks again for all your suggestions and feedback!

People on boats and walls will fallback to a low level mode, which will increase the performance. This mode allows to place many ranged units on walls without cpu impact.

I will check the harpoon bug. Sharks are useless at the moment, they are decorative units, but maybe I will add what you suggested for them.

Ballistas, mortars and animals can't be placed on walls at the moment, because the movement of those kind of units is limited.

I could add height aim to the ballista, so that you can add it on walls. The bugs with ocean battles will be fixed asap.

The next update won't take as much time as the last one and I'm thinking about adding more smaller updates instead of working a month or more on each update...

Thx! I will still be here making suggestions and stuff.when I'm older I want to be a game dev so I'm pretty good at suggestions I think.






sooooooooooooo cooooooooooool

UPDATE 5 has been released, and I've covered it (and everything that came with it) here in this video! Definitely some great things brought to AW2, but my two personal favourites are the performance increase (runs much better now), AND, the random castle generator! Feel free to take a look :)

Thanks for sharing you video. I posted it on twitter as a reference for the new update-

Much appreciated, mate :))

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