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(1 edit)

I think hand cannon and crossbow seems very low in fps mode. They must be higher and righter. And also it is very good game. :D

Thank you for your feedback. The crossbow animations will be different after the next update and I will adjust the hand cannons as soon as I have time for that.

i knew wolves get put into the game and what next bulls that charge at you

wolves are being put in the game?

go to JNI's twitter by clicking on the twitter icon in the game

Wow! that is awesome!i never saw his twitter and I never new he posted new units and stuff on there!i thought it was only the devblogs.thx!

your welcome

(1 edit) (+1)

Maybe cows, which will be used as a catapult projectile.


i,ll call it the cowapult

Nice game i love this

I'm glad that you like it.

Playing it everyday :D

god fix the comments for us all

Wtf! They are totally mixed :D

i know right how do we fix this


Since there are other games with the same problem, I think it's just a small itch problem that should be fixed soon.

i hope i gets fixed

cant wait for the next update!it looks so cool.

And here am i, refreshing the page every 5 min, to see the update

why are all the comments all mix up or is it just me or is it my PC

not just you there mixed up for me too.

So funny!

This was really cool! I might do more but so far campaign is pretty good!

well, its will be god to add a knife on a hand gun.

Hey JNI can you add an spawner of units? Like a banner or barracks It will be awesome :D

(Sorry for my english is very bad)

man the next update is all about siege weapons like there is fire carts and there is a spike ball thing and there will be big shields and what next a siege weapon that shoots out fire and burns stuff

An option to make walls indestructible would be great.


hey JNI way did you delay the update like come on you never did this in the past two updates and how dare you not let us now that it was going to chage >:(


How dare you harass this guy for giving you free stuff and delaying an update to it?

will i hade my hopes up for the next update to come out on the 25th of jan but i hade no idea that he was going to chage it to the 28th of jan and delaying updates is just crazy man

It is three days. Read a book or do anything in the mean time whilst this guy works those three days to make a product for you. Geeze man, don't be so entitled. If you want it to come out faster, pay him money for the game or offer to help work on it or something.


yeah it is a bit annoying but developying a game takes time.he probably had to do a few fixes that he thought he could have done by the 25th but it took longer then expected is also a bit annoying that he didn't tell us,but he probably did in one of the devblogs and we missed what he said maybe honestly idk I'm not JNI but I'm sure he has a reason why he delayed it.

(1 edit)

The players got the new date in game and I'v added it to the description(Now a bit better to see). The reason for the late notification is that I made the decision yesterday. And the reason for the delay: I created content, which I did't added to game, because I wanted to do improvements and bugfixes first. Now I have many bugs fixed, but the new content is not implemented. I said which content will be in the next update and the update isn't finished, until all new content is in game and working correctly.

@giantboss I would suggest to calm down, because it's just a small delay.


ok i,ll calm down but delaying updates is crazy

It's not crazy, it's reasonable. Would you like to play an unfinished version?

will maybe it is good to delay stuff like i know you need to fix some bugs and add more things to the game and if you did not delay the update the next update be the next day

there aren't many biomes yet so I have a few suggestions:




mountain pass (it is a mountain that has a large passage way that has a few ledges on the sides of the passage to put ranged units)

beach (a half of the map is sand and the other half is shallow water)

island (in the middle of the map is a island and around it is shallow water)

island 2 (a bunch of small islands and some make formations.example:a snake formation of islands.the rest of the map is shallow water.)

cave (very dark and sometimes ((I think its stalagtites it might be stalagmites)) fall from the top of the cave killing any units under it and there are a few small ponds of shallow water)

seasonal biomes:


valentines day



optional biomes:

france (because why not)




Russia (because why not)

Germany (because why not)

that's all I can think of.also for the modern spin-off there should be kaytushas.

Thanks for all the suggestions, on my biome list were swamp and forest. Now, there are some more.

ok your welcome

(1 edit)

the knights are awsome

bad that the uptade has ben delayed by 3 days

but that means more content! yay!

this game is the best game ever keep up the good work

i have an idea to:

in the future uptade it wil be cool to have mind swamp with alyes

(1 edit)

Sorry for the delay, but it wouldn't be possible to finish the update so fast...

The swamp biome is on the biome list and I think it will be in the update after the next one.

hey JNI add chariots they are cool in a lot of ways


he said he was going to add chariots

oh will thanks


dinoatak you gave me a idea

JNI you put evry thing that was real and in the past but you forgot the chariot thats the only thing missing

he said he would add chariots in one of the updates

cool thx pro for reply my comment :D


theres a problem in the campaign on level 28 the catapult on the right is a ally in the back.

pro are theres camels????

oh nvm

Oh, thanks for reporting. I changed it.

ok your welcome

The game is pretty good. However the combat is really clunky and sometimes hits don't register. Aside from that it's a good game. It could use a combat overhaul and maybe some more weapons though

I don't like the combat, too, but I'm working on it.

hey JNI Tropicanwars say somthing about camels did you put camels on the game????

I have a idea I just thought of:

a horse with no rider (so like its a horse that just stands there and does nothing until the player gets on it)

a elephant with no rider (same thing as the horse but is a elephant)

a camel with no rider (same thing as horse but is a camel)

so kinda like decoration but the player can get on it and ride it and the animal can still die so you could make like a stable looking building and houses and stuff like that so in a castle you could put the stuff down and it would look like a real castle instead of nothing in it or towers as houses.and you could put units in houses.

bro just spawn a horse and kill the rider with a bow and take his horse and his weapon easy

are theres camels????

yeah in the next update there will be camels look at the devblog

ok thx

Yep, I will add that in further updates.

(2 edits)





For modern stuff, there will be a separate spin-off soon.

But I think it's not realistic to bring this game on mobile platforms, because the dismemberment and all other stuff is to heavy for mobile devices.

JNI thats cool new picture :3 idk if you will remember me but np and thx for the cool game

4 more days and then the next update is here!!!!!!!!

Unfortunately not, I had to delay it by 3 days. The update will be released on the 28th January, 11am UTC.

(1 edit)

oh come on i am mad now and how dare you not let us know that it was going to chage

The only things I don't really like about this game is the clunky combat. With most melee weapons, you need to go straight into the enemies face to even use it. Plus, Pikes are overpowered. They have a long range for a melee weapon and they deal a lot of damage.

I don't like the combat, too, but I want to improve it in the next updates.

Small question, how far into time will you go, like nothing past musket weapons, or will you at one point go into a WW1 type of units. Just wondering, thanks


hes going to have a spin-off that will have WW1,WW2,modern,and maybe future

Tropicanwars is right. I'm working alone on the game and in this one won't be modern content.

Ok you said that tropicanwars is right, thanks for the clarification, but he said that there might be a future one, idk if you confirmed that there will be one or just agreeing to the other ones he said, but if you would tell me if there is going to be a future type game that would be great, and if so, i have a few question on it, and suggestions. Thanks a ton if you respond, but if not, i understand you're probably working very hard on this game, so keep up the good work.

There will be a modern spin-off with modern, WWI, WWII and maybe future content.

Feel free to ask or suggest whatever you want to.

I like scifi so these suggestions will be based upon them, also sorry it took me a while for these suggestions, have been having inter

Star wars:

Storm trooper: will have a blaster rifle with medium damage, medium fire rate and range with lowish health

Rebel: will have blaster rifle with more range then storm trooper, with medium damage and medium fire rate with low health

Scout trooper: has a long ranged blaster rifle with heavy damage and long range and low fire rate with low health

Rebel sniper: same as scout trooper

Shadow trooper: blaster rifle medium damage, medium fire rate, but medium health (same as rebel)

Shock trooper: blaster rifle close range, fast fire rate, low damage heavy health(same as rebel)

Rocket rebel: Anti-vehicle (same with storm trooper type units)

AT-AT: heavy damage with splash damage, slow moving, heavy health

Speeder bike: fast, medium damage, medium fire rate

AT-ST: medium speed, medium health(compared to AT-AT) and medium damage(also compared to AT-AT) splash damage(smaller compared to AT-AT)



Marine: has assault rifle lowish health, medium damage with BR,DMR,and shotgun variants

ODST: has silenced smg, assault rifle, BR, and DMR, variants and shotgun+sniper(isn't silenced)

Spartan: has shield with lowish health, and armor with heavy health, has access to all previously named weapons and spartan laser and rocket launcher

Warthog: fast speed, chaingun with fast fire rate and medium damage, heavy armor(more than spartan)


Grunt low health has plasma pistol or needler

Jackal: has beam rifle or plasma pistol

Brute: heavy health about as much as a spartan has brute plasma rifle or gravity hammer

Brute Chieftain: heavy health (more than brute) has gravity hammer

Elite: has shield with medium health armor with medium health has access to all previously named weapons except brute ones, and covenant carbine and energy sword

Hunter: HEAVY health(if you don't know what this is just google "halo hunter")

Ghost: fast speed, medium damage

Brute chopper: low health, heavy damage, fast

Halo weapons:

low damage: smg(has fast fire rate, close range), brute plasma rifle(fast fire rate, close range), plasma pistol(medium range, single shot)

medium damage: assault rifle(medium range), BR(medium range, 3-round burst), DMR (long range, single shot), neelder(medium range), and covenant carbine (medium range, single shot)

Heavy damage: Shotgun(close range), sniper rifle(long range), beam rifle(long range, covenant sniper), gravity hammer(melee), energy sword(melee)


hello again, i found a 2 bugs: first, when im in spectate, and im moving the speed% to zero to 200% quickly and alot of times, the dead bodies, and the wapeons are flying. and secend, in the end of a battle, if the speed is on 200%, the dead bodeis get up and then fly.

There are some physical issues in the engine if you change the time scale very often, but I will try to find a solution.




wjeh gownrp gowntpdy

rhakqtmqslek wpqkf

where are you from? (I'm from USA so I don't know what 15:00 would be for me also I'm on east coast)

(1 edit)

I'm from germany(UTC+1). I should add the time zone in the next update. So the update won't be released at the same time in your time zone

Can't believe how strong this unit is! SO MUCH FUN to mess around with :) Can't wait for the update on the 25th! Continued good luck/wishes with Greenlight :)

(1 edit) (+1)

Thanks for sharing your video! Greenlight is running good(Rank 9)

That's awesome to hear! I leave the link in my newer AW2 videos and try to remember to reference it, so hopefully I can send a little more traffic to it :)

The forks do no damege when i use them when the enemy does they do damege

Only the metal part of the fork will do damage. But the damage is really low. (25)


hello. i have some suggiestions if you want(that are inspired by the roman empire): first, legioners, they have an helmet that is not like the useol helmat,have heavy armor and boots and all of the armor and an spata(an sword that is roman). secend, centrion: have an red feather helmat, an armored horse (and all of the armor) and have a new waepon( that you hopely put) the spata(its like an sword). if you dont listion to me, then atleast thank you for seeing this.(im sorry for my writing mistakes, im not naiteve english.)

also, i have that bug all the time that when i put like more then 100 units in total, its not letting me put anything else, i cant save, or start the battle

There is no limit. Maybe your computer is too weak?

no way... if it can hold 3 battlefields AND still have plenty of storage i think its VERY strong

Thank you for your suggestions, we will see what I will add from it.

thank you, but the helmat that i speak about is very good


add village buildings or tents


That's on my list. Just a question: How do you want to use them? What functionality would they have?

(2 edits)

they are like buildings that you could walk in


Can you please put online multi-player


That's actually a good idea.


That's not 100% sure, but it's at least on my todo list.

thanks for listening


could you add a thing where when you hover over units in the side things in the custom battles it also tells who suggested the unit and if you made it you can just put "made by JNI"

and if someone suggested it you could just say for example "suggested by Tropicanwars"

I think that would be cool so people can see who suggested them/made them :D hope you like it JNI.

(1 edit) (+1)

No, because people who suggested units have nothing to do with the development of the unit. And all ideas are suggested multiple times or are already on my large unit list. If people suggesting units, those units will have a higher chance to get in the game. For instanced the camels you suggested. They were already on the unit list. You suggested them at the right moment and I thought yes, it's the right moment to add another animal in game. I think I got so many suggestions, that there is nothing real new...

oh ok I understand.

When will you release the level bundles ?

Would be awesome because i liked the campaign.


Of you liked the campaign, you will love level bundles. The functionality will be added in the next update(25th January) and the first bundle will either be released with the update or a few days later.

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